Sunday, June 01, 2008

New Review: Enslaving Heaven

Got notice of a new review for ENSLAVING HEAVEN today.

"Enslaving Heaven is a read that gives thought. [...] Lyssa, Alya and Nita are engaging characters each fighting with a scar or blemish in their life. [...] Michelle Houston spins a tale at a good pace [...] She not only tells a story well, but one I enjoyed." ~ Cherokee, Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance

You can read the full review at:

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There are times during the review I wondered at the wording, as most of the book takes place on the ship or in another location completely (not wanting to give too much away), not on the planet they visit in the beginning (where Alya is purchased), and the fourth main character isn't mentioned at all. But it was nice to have mentioned the scar/blemish in the characters themselves, as the three mentioned are dealing with issues of varying sorts.

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