The poem of mine that was accepted is "Fire's Heat". The story was a short lesbian wax/ice play story called "Inferno".
I'm really excited about being a part of this anthology. Phaze has some wonderful books that are created for donating the proceeds to charity, Check out the coming together page at:
I'll post the publication date and more information as I have it. For now, I can share the table of contents.
*Poetry is italicized. (Every other piece is poetry)
Prologue: Introduction (Will Belegon, co-editor)
Fire and Ice (Rachel Kramer Bussel)
Kindle (Shanna Germain)
The Fire God's Woman (Brenna Lyons)
Slow Burn Blues (Lefty McGee)
Blind Date (Stephanie Vaughan)
Candle Spell (Teresa Noelle Roberts)
Good with His Hands (Sommer Marsden)
Fire's Heat (Michelle Houston)
The Secret to Perfect Fondue (Jeremy Edwards)
Desire Becomes Demand (Mari Freeman)
Awake, Love (Laurence Doyen)
wither (Alessia Brio)
Fire (Lisabet Sarai)
Adagio (Vana Lafayette)
A Night at the Inn (Jamie Hill)
Make Me Yours (Rachelle Le-Monnier)
Cold Hands, Warm Heart (Vincent Diamond)
Woman, woman (Justanne Farrow)
Flaming Rescue (Jude Mason)
Bondage Sonnet 2 (Dr. Mabeuse)
Melting Point (Nicole Gestalt)
Ask Alice (Selena Kitt)
Shadow Lover (Sapphire Phelan)
Goddess of Poetry & Fire (Teresa Noelle Roberts)
Flaming Hot (Victoria Blisse)
Spontaneous Combustion (Aurora Black)
Swing It, Baby (Skylar Sinclair)
In Fire (Rebecca Leah)
Rising Phoenix (Samantha Sommersby)
Désir Brûlant (Gabrielle Miel)
Burn Zone (James Buchanan)
Dark Disguises (Lefty McGee)
Inferno (Michelle Houston)
Fire Escape (Shanna Germain)
Drive-In (Tilly Greene)
Creatures of Fire (Teresa Noelle Roberts)
The End of the World (Gwen Masters)
Epilogue: About Coming Together (Alessia Brio)
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