Monday, September 10, 2007

Ye Old Day Off - A good cause

On of the things I did at the Ren Fest on Saturday was see the Queen's Falconer show.

The group that came out under that "name" is the World Bird Sanctuary here in Missouri.

They do an incredible job of helping to rehabilitate injured birds and to spread information about these wonderful creatures. (They also have a few other critters - like snakes and a rat).

And if you are looking for a great group to make a donation too, and make yourself feel good, they state clearly that "The World Bird Sanctuary is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit tax exempt organization. All donations help feed and care for the animals that call the Sanctuary home and are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. "

To say that this is my dream job is an understatement. LOL


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