Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Wednesday Word: Bennu

Evening all. : )

I have found the Thursday Thirteen list to be so much fun that I want to try and start doing something each day of the week (except Sunday). Please bear with me though if I miss a day. College classes start up in a few days, and things might get a bit hectic from time to time. Or I just might not have anything to post about that day. LOL
Let me know if you are enjoying any of these posts. I'd love to hear from you!

Wednesdays I am thinking of doing as Wednesday Words. Things that I either didn't know the definition of, or just found interesting and wanted to share.

Today's word is BENNU. I had this word as part of my last contest, and wanted to share it with everyone. : )

The BENNU is the Egyptian equivalent of the Greek PHOENIX. It's often depicted as resembling a heron.

Here's a few websites with information that I can across.
Michelle Houston

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